Servpro Augusta's: "Heroes Helping Heroes Golf Tournament"
March 26, 2025 @ 9:00AM — 2:00PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) Add to Calendar
Bartram Trail Golf Club: 470 Bartram Trail Club Dr Evans, GA 30809 Get Directions
Heroes Helping Heroes!
Who wants to play an incredible round of Golf at Bartram Trail?! In cooperation with the heroes of Air Eisenhower , FireK will be hosting it's 3rd ANNUAL Golf Tournament! Early Bird pricing for our Captain's choice tournament is only 400 dollars per team, with a free lunch, a bucket of range balls (for each player) to warm up your game, as well as closest to the pin, Longest drive, and Hole-in-one prizes! Proceeds benefit the families of firefighters affected by cancer. FireK supports the immediate financial needs of firefighting families battling cancer, individually, and without reservation. This is especially important in today's economy when financial worries can become even more pressing and infinitely stressful. Our friends and heroes at SERVPRO AUGUSTA have taken on the mission of helping FireK raise money specifically for this mission, and now ask for your help too!! Join us for an incredible day of golf and fellowship, and be a Hero for these heroes!!
- Teams are foursomes only.
- 10am Shotgun start.
- Registration is limited to 30 teams.
- Tournament is "Captain's choice".
- Mulligan packages will be available at an additional cost.
- Lunch is provide
- Additional Beverages and snacks are available for purchase.
- Additional prizes (Details to come!!!) will be awarded for closest to the pin, longest drive, and Hole-in-one!!
- Interested in seeing your business represented? Hole Sponsorship is available through the contact info on this page.
Enjoy a great day of Golf while giving back, and being a "Hero Helping Heroes".
We look forward to seeing you out there!!!
For more info about FireK 5K, Inc and it's mission: FireK 5K